Lets talk about ...Julien Blanc

Photo by Nagib. Model : me 

Back from a great ballet class,  I sat myself on the sofa and began to read The Guardian on my iPad while lunch was cooking  and came across Ms Hyde's piece for Comment is Free in which she argues that Julien Blanc, the American pick up artist who encourages men to be abusive, should be allowed in. According to Hyde immigration control is worthless,  because his ideas, thanks to the internet, have a global remit. Yes, he should be allowed in, she says, because if he has truly committed any crime he should be investigated, but denying him entry makes no sense, because liberty as a principle is at stake: "the trade-off between liberty and security, in which so-called security has too often prevailed in recent years" should be avoided.
Excuse me?
It's good I had not eaten lunch yet when I read this piece, I was actually about to, but I felt sick in the stomach and had to delay it. I like the French word 'bouleversé' it really conveys how I felt.
No, I truly think that Julien Blanc should not be allowed into Britain. I am so glad Australia curtailed his stay and threw him out. Well done! I have signed the online petition  and I urge you, male or female, to sign it too.
Blanc is racist. He has said in Japan that 'white men can do as they please' so they can force any Japanese girl to suck their cock. The seduction techniques he teaches are abusive and entail forcing women to have sex and endorsing domestic violence, both physical and emotional.
Sorry Ms Hyde, I really cannot condone this. Far too many women have had experience of abuse and even if you have not, please spare a thought for those who have. Some of your closest friends may be among them, only you may not know, because women who have been subjected to domestic violence are loath to talk about it in public. That's my experience.
It is not up to the UK government to investigate Blanc's alleged crimes. He should be denied entry precisely because there are such allegations - with videos and social media statements to prove them.
Even if what he says is meant to be humorous, as someone has noted, this is still unacceptable in the same way that racist jokes are unacceptable. Why is it that when women are concerned there is such a lax attitude?
This is Julien Blanc' s adaptation of a Domestic Abuse Intervention Project chart. Does it not make you sick?

If it is a joke, it is unbelievably crass. If it is real, this man deserves to be given a taste of his own medicine.
But what beats me is that so many men are willing to part with good money to be taught this rubbish. Is this what men believe they have to do to find themselves partners? Is it a believable proposition?


  1. Actually Alex, I never heard of this asshole till your post. A quick Google revealed the revulsion and disgust. Fortunately here in Austin I was beyond lunch so did not suffer your gastronomical discomfort. Anyhow here is a thought, if they still have the Rack and Iron Madden in the Tower of London may I suggest my Brit cousins allow this jerk in and immediately confine him to the exquisite dispositions of the afore mentioned devices....Just don't send him back here. I am afraid the the sublime CIA tortures of Weatherboarding is much to civilized for this jerk....

  2. Ick! Even if there are no credible allegations of abuse against him, he's still an ultimate representative of the kind of "male privilege" that has resulted in so much violence and other harm against women. I tend to agree that the Tower of London is too good for him. He should be played and coerced by a woman like he does to them; but even that would probably do him no good.

    But what a lovely picture of you by Nagib! He seems to have seen you as a whole, strong woman, fully equal to any man--as you are.

  3. Yes his views sicken me too, but whether he should be banned from anywhere is another matter. Western democracies are supposed to be havens for people with odious opinions, and some want them to be even more so: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/attorneygeneral-george-brandis-people-do-have-a-right-to-be-bigots-20140324-35dj3.html , but the more interesting questionis why Blanc can even rustle up an audience. This view of the situation might surprise you all: http://www.smh.com.au/comment/hating-the-search-for-love-20141112-11k5px.html


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