My HuffPost blogposts and other writings

My Huffington Post blogposts and other writing

I have written, and still do, from time to time, for the HuffPost UK.
Here is a list of my posts:

Age Does Not Matter
Older Models in Fashion: More Visibility for Older Women 
Lingerie, Bikinis and the Older woman (also in Global Intimate Wear)
Diversity in Fashion: Where Are We At?
Like A Goddess, Forever Young
Nudity:Art or Pornography
Next Signs the Ten Point Code of Models Trade Union, Equity
Women Modelling Menswear: Cross-dressing for Models Who Wish To Work After The Age of Thirty
Older Women Take Up Life Modelling to Empower Themselves
Doing away with ageism in fashion

As from July 2019, the Huffington Post no longer accepts contributions by bloggers.  The above posts will, however, continue to be available.

I have contributed  to Medium

I have also written for The Age of No Retirement
Viewpoint: Who Said You Aren't Young Enough To Wear White


Let's Talk About Going Grey (now published in a book edited by the, the platform for critical thinking on fashion
Coming of Age. Representing the Older Generation: A Model's Perspective 
Drop it low. Dress as a political statement in Iran  

for The Guardian, UK
From Anna Wintour Bobs To Too Toned Arms: Secrets Of An Older Fashion Model

and a relevant academic  paper which I wrote for a conference on Women, Ageing and Media, July 2013
Over 50 and doing what?Reflections on being a mature model

Finally I did not write this, it is an interview with John O'Reilly but I find that of all interviews I have done  this really captures me (some images may be NSFW as John has delved into my artistic nude portfolio)
