On the body of women and agender-ness on January 25, 2016 #women #AlexB #NitaStrudwickPhotography #L'Espresso #Maki Galimberti #MariaLuisaFrisa #agender +
Some thoughts on art modelling on January 23, 2016 #art modelling #drawing #painting #art photography #LauraAtwood #Michael Koschinsky #life modelling +
Age, brands and marketing, Part 1 on January 19, 2016 #age #AlexB #GreyModelAgency #Saramai #Festivalof Marketing #RebeccaValentine #JuliaSuryakusuma #NitaStrudwickPhotography #TheJakartaPost +
Consuming death in celebrity culture on January 13, 2016 #DavidBowie #AlexB #celebrity #culture #death #spectacle #praeficae #JeromeBel +
From Home on January 01, 2016 #AlexB #Papua #bird of paradise #TriHandoko #ethnomathematics #fimela +